Friday, January 16, 2009

Well I am sure that you are wondering how the potty training went yesterday...... I will cover that in a moment..... right now I want to share what a wonderful 15 year old son I have. I am sure he is not unlike most other 15 year old boys, and I have even had a son who was 15 once. I think that is why I can appreciate how wonderful Marc is.

His brother is wonderful in own special ways, especially now that he is 20 and not 15 anymore. 15 was a very difficult age for me with my eldest son. I was being challenged in ways I had never imagined. I look back and I can see how I could have handled things so much better for both of us. That is that whole 20/20 hindsight thing. I truly do not see Marc going down that road, if nothing else I really think he has learned from Brendan's mistakes. Marc has his own challenges, mostly moodiness and procrastination, and we all know that is so uncommon for a teenage boy. I just enjoy his company so much, and miss him so much. He left last night to go back to Kansas and go to school. He has been sick with the chicken pox for the last week and a half. Of course he got these right before he was suppose to go back to school. Now he is going to have lots of makeup work. This poor kid was so covered with spots, I felt so bad for him. I was going to post a picture of him from while he was sick, but I promised him I wouldn't. Since he is always so thoughtful and considerate, (typed with a straight face I might add) I will be considerate of his wishes.

Now the potty training..... Well we had our most successful day yet. It was ex hasting but at least I could see light at the end of the tunnel. I hope the part where after she is in bed for about 20mins. and then has to go potty will change. I am afraid I can see a habit she just might cling to, since she already looks for every reason not to go to bed. Oh well, one battle at a time.

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