I am a fan of the Rachel Maddow show and she has a new segment called "Scrub, Rinse and Repeat". The segment can be interesting, but what caught my attention was the title. It came to me while I was watching her that the title hits really close to home. Now remember..... I am a grumpy menopausal woman dealing with potty training a toddler. But that does seem like what I go through on a daily basis. Scrub, Rinse and Repeat. I mean this both figuratively and literally. As a mother of this toddler, it seems like all I do some days is clean, turn around and have to clean the same things again. You would not believe how fast a little one can "help" you right back into a mess. It is really hard to get mad when they are looking up at you with this big smile, saying "I help mommy!!!".
Out of frustration I have tried leaving things and not cleaning up all day long. But there is something about a house in disorder that really stresses me out. I am sure this is just an issue I have, but if things are at least picked up and have the appearance of being clean, I can physically relax. Okay, that does not happen much with Cassie around, but I give it a good try. I am really trying to teach her how to pick up after herself, and she has her moments, but this in itself is an ongoing trail. I suppose the pay off is after sticking with it for a while. But I do have older children , if fact one of them is a teenage, and it is still a battle. I must be doing something wrong. Probably the fact I get frustrated and end up doing things my self is not a good thing. Hmmmmm, I think these kids are turning my mind to mush. My house into a pit and my mind to mush....... Oh such is my life. Then comes the big smile, mushy kiss, and the hug that threatens to break your neck as they say they love you. Yep, it is all worth it.
So now we are back to the Scrub, Rinse and Repeat........I love being a mom!
Ahhhh yes, I remember those days when Lil' Miss enjoyed eating dirt while "helping" you work outside. Well, it's hard not to appreciate all her endeavors, helpful or otherwise, when you're rewarded with a big hug and a kiss. So, continue to "Scrub, Rinse, Repeat"......at the end of the day you get that big ol' toothy grin and loads of little girl love heaped on you. It's worth all the work, eh?
ReplyDeleteMost days it does make it worth it......of course if my nerves are beyond fried, I would proably appreciate a quiet wave from across the room.