Yes..... that was me this evening. We have been to the local pet store 4 times in the last few months. Cassie and I look at all the cute puppies and ooooooo and awwwwww. Then Cassie goes to look at the mice while mom stands there and tells herself that if Cassie had a puppy to chase, maybe mommy would get a break.
I know....... if you are reading this you are probably thinking, "Is she crazy?". Well I think we have covered my mental soundness, or lack of before. This is when having a second party who is still somewhat mentally sound being present is very helpful. The second party in this case was daddy, and he did a very good job of letting both of his girl down genitally.
A little time, and a little of the frigid air, and mommy has come to her senses. What was I thinking? Is it not bad enough that I am still trying to potty train my little angel? Do I really think I would be getting a little break by having a barking, drooling, pooping, peeing, and whining little ball of fur around. Oh yeah, I remember how this goes...... They also chew everything in sight. Oh.... and on really cold days like today, someone has to take them outside and walk them. So do I leave Cassie inside alone while I do it? Let her take the puppy out all by herself? (No, I am not serious) It would be more like me getting both of us all decked out in our winter wear, and then trying to convince Cassie that both the puppy and mommy are FREEZING so we need to go in.
Well at least we will not have to experience the reality of that for a while.
Hey, think of the poor prospective puppies that looked at you guys. They're probably thinking, "Is that lady with the little girl crawling into the white mouse cage crazy? She just saved the store's friendly alligator from that wee blonde's clutches and she wants ME for the two of them to play with. Please puppy god, noooooo!" Or something like that. So, be sure to consider the puppies feelings as well because after all....you know it's not just all about you! Although, I do think a hyperactive but loving, tinkling puppy would probably be the the calmest animated thing in your household. LOL! Serious. No, I'm not serious. Yes I am....no I'm not...yes...no.
ReplyDeleteI loved your puppy saga. Very entertaining.