Well it is not really a big screen...... it is only 37inch. LCD we bought on black Friday for the living room. It was an early Christmas present for me...... early because I had to help research and find the best buy. Well anyway back to what I was going to say....... My wonderful little angel has had a fascination with this new TV. Really she has a fascination with all TVs, but this one is new.... and it is right down where her little hands can get all over it. We have had several very serious talks about not touching the TV. Well somehow, I never manage to actually see her do any of this, but our NEW TV is covered with little scratches.
My stepson was over and noticed the first ones. When we asked my daughter if she did it, she very enthusiastically said "yes!"...... We asked what she did it with and she went and brought a screw back to us........ Now how in the heck did she get a screw?
As for all the other scratches, she has not confessed. ( that might be a result of the trouble she got into the first time) Since I have not seen her do any of the other scratches, it could be gremlins....... but my bet is still on my daughter.
This afternoon she had her little Handy Mandy hammer and she was posed to strike the TV. He dad yell at her and she started to cry and came up to me saying" Mommy I hear something." I informed her that yes,,,,, that was her father yelling at her.
Daddy is now trying to think of a way to protect the TV. Me, I think it is already scratched and I will just keep and eye out for those gremlins :)
I have to wonder, without Cassie as a subject, would you have anything to blog about? She is so interesting....but, you have to relax and enjoy her moments of creativity and designing. What a disappointment it must have been for her to so eagerly wave her little hand and say "Yes!" because she had done some "drawings" with a screw on the TV....only to discover that wasn't not something parents necessarily encouraged. Poor dear. No wonder she felt the need to resort to her Handy Mandy hammer since her screw designs didn't prompt any hoorays. I've heard Dale, I' imagine when she said "Mommy, I hear something." she meant there was a buzzing in her ears after her eardrums imploded. My poor dumpling. Anymore serious talks from you two and she's going to want to move in with us, you know!