Who would ever believe this little girl could turn my world upside down? She scared me to death last night. When she was at the top of the stairs she pulled styrofoam out of her dress pocket and said she had a gift for me..... how sweet right? Well when she turned to go back down she lost her balance and fell all the way down the stairs......... I have never felt so helpless, as I did watching her and not being able to do anything to stop it. Gratefully she only has a few bumps and bruises...... Now mom and dad, it might take us a few days to recover.
On the potty training front, things have been going very well. The last two days the only accidents she has had have been poppies. She was even dry both mornings. Last night when she could not have a bottle she decided she didn't like to go potty. When I told her that is why I read her extra books now, she informed me she doesn't like books either. All that really mattered was having the bottle....... but after a few tears she slept all night.
I don't know why the potty training is working out this time. The only thing I am doing different about it is blogging this time. Hmmmmmmmm, maybe that is the key? I should try that for loosing weight!!!! That will be my other blog. "Co's Yo-Yo life". Well lately I there hasn't been much going down..... just up and up and up......Maybe I am an emotional eater. If that is so, I am in trouble, between a toddler giving me a run for my sanity, and being menopausal. But maybe if I blog my achievements that will give me some accountability? What could be more boring than writing about raising a toddler? WEIGHT LOSS!!! Well actually the weight "loss" would be great. It is all the ups and down that would be boring.
Well I am feeling hopeful about a nap today! Wish me luck!

Yep, that's the face of an angel alright! The only thing worse than hearing about her exploits (like tumbling down the stairs) is to actually witness them. Some days I'm soooooo happy you live so far away from us.....I'm sure otherwise the stress would give me wrinkles. (Hah, hah, hahhhhhh! I'm a riot!)
ReplyDeleteHey, blogging for weight control. Isn't that a bit like some sort of exercise? Biking....blogging? Kinda the same.