Finally,,,,,,, It has been a crazy day and I was starting to think I would not be blogging today. I love my little Avatar girl. That is how I would like to look, if I was animated and 3 inches tall, but I am sure you get what I mean.
Okay, I had this whole blog written in my mind at 1 in the morning after Cassie woke me up because she had to pee. Does that mean we are having success when I have to take her to the potty in the middle of the night, or does that mean I just need to quit giving her a bottle before bed? Yes, I said bottle, and I am all about one battle at a time. I was under the misguided impression that since she drinks everything else all day out of a cup the bottle would just go by the way side and there would be no battle. I think we have covered that fact that I am slightly off balance before.
You will never believe this..... as Cassie is going potty in the middle of the night she says"I need a bottle." and my reply was, "Okay, when you are done going potty." But then the fog started to clear...... thank god! .... and I realised that maybe a bottle was not the best bet. So I informed Cassie she could not have anymore to drink until the morning. She was like, okay,,,,, night mom.
So then I am awake thinking about how this would look in my blog. Then I start to think about the fact that dad was sleeping during all of this, and why didn't I get to sleep though it while he took care of it? I took care of all the potty trips during the day. Then I remember what a control freak I am, and knew I would have been up anyway even if he didn't sleep threw it. I then I also remembered how nice he was to take us out to dinner and then ToysRUs. (I think I was having trouble sleeping because I started to have a hot flash!) So by this time he is okay in my book again. (Did I not mention I am menopausal? That explains a lot, doesn't it?)
Hey on this menopausal thing,,,,, our sub-zero temps are very helpful. As soon as I threw off the covers, I started to cool down in no time. Boy, when you think about it, my husband is dealing with a menopausal wife, a potty training toddler, and a teenage step-son. Wow, no wonder he has dark circles under his eyes. This guy is a saint. Just don't tell him, I will never hear the end of it.
Well, the potty training has been going pretty well. I just need to train her not to run and yell frantically "I pee, I pee!" At least not until after she actually has peed. Then we sing the "pee pee in the potty" song.
Let's look at this way. With all the new things the princess (although, she does wear a helmet instead of a tiara) is learning, isn't it nice you're learning right along with her? Think of all the things you learned with your 1st 3 children that you had time to forget. Now you have the privilege of learning anew. How many mothers get to do that? Hmmmmmmm? Hey, I know what you mean about sub-zero temps being beneficial for those hot flashes. You can absorb chill like no other animal this side of the arctic. Polar bears and women...who knew they had so much in common. I'm sure we could spend a moment feeling sorry for your dear hubby, as long as you don't let your mind wander to whether or not he's helping with the potty training. If he isn't, don't give him another moment of pity!
ReplyDeleteActually, I came on here to respond to your comments about my youngest grandson. He's such a peach of a teenager, you obviously did a lot right....as you did with your older two children. You're a lucky, lucky (albeit cranky) girl. Love you bunches!