WooHoo!!!! I had a night out with the girls! We were all adults too, or at least the age of adults. If you know me, you know I do not get this treat very often. It is not like my hubby doesn't like me to go out with my friends. It is just more of a case of me and my friends just don't make the time. Of course several times through out the evening we would say," this is so much fun, we need to do this more often". We have good intentions, but alas we seem to forget to take the time.
It was nice to have grown up talk and be able to just take my time and enjoy my dinner. I would love to make more friends, but being home with Cassie has limited my opportunities to meet new people. We go to meet ups with other mothers and kids her age, but the problem is that the mothers of these kids are so much young than me, I have trouble connecting with them. I keep trying to think of ways to meet new friends, but it is hard with Cassie and with me being so shy. This really makes me appreciate my friendships I had in Kansas. Isn't that the way things go...... sometimes you don't really appreciate things until you don't have them anymore.
Okay, that makes me want to put a little shout out for all the things I am grateful for..... feel free to skip this part, and if you do not make the list, know I do appreciate you, but I am loosing my mind!
First of all I am very appreciative of the wonderful gifts I have in all my family...... I was raised to think family first....... and they are what matters. My 4 children are the most wonderful and challenging gifts. Cassie drives me crazy.... but I would not trade her for anything. Not having my other children around me very ofter has really made me appreciate how much they mean to me. I even cherish my ever building relationship with my new step children.
My husband is right up there...... and probably the one I take the most for granted. We are very different people and we were raised very differently, but he is so many things I wished for. I just have a tendency to see the things that drive me crazy and take the really wonderful things for granted.
My parents are such a source of comfort for me. I know that they are very aware of how much I love them, but maybe they don't realize just how much they mean to me. Especially during some of the very difficult times that I have had. I always know they love me and will be there for me. It is really great having that kind of comfort. I don't know how hard it will be when they are gone, but I know I will feel the loss to my very core, so I pray that is not for a very long time.
I love where I live, I just wish I was closer to family. But what a wonderful opportunity to be able to visit all of the wonderful museums and places around here. I really look forward to going to some of the shows downtown when Cassie is a little older.
I do appreciate the friendships I have been able to hold on to even after moving from Kansas. It is hard to keep these going when they are not in my immediate circle of life, just like I am not in theirs. For most of them, they still have so many of the same people in their lives, and I feel like mine was turned upside down, but that was my choice.
One last thing...... I am very appreciative of the change in our government. I am very hopeful that this will be a turning point for our country to get back on track.
Mostly....... I am appreciative of my wonderful GIRLS NIGHT OUT last night. It did a lot to help me appreciate my wonderful family that I came home to, and to just feel the bond with other women for a little while.