Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Ashli's Feet..... gotta love em!

Looking for my signature photo.

Okay, after having not blogged for so long I feel like I have so many different things to blog about. I have decided to go with my most recent thought. "I need a signature photo." My daughter Ashli just got back from hiking the Lost Coast in California and she sent me photos from her trip. I have have included some of my favorites, but there were so many to pick from. The one that tickled me and stood out from the rest was the simple one of her feet. Ashli has this very unique signature when ever she is away and taking pictures, she take at lease one of her feet. Okay, I don't know if she always takes pictures of her feet, but I have noticed that at least the pictures of her trips that she shares with me seem to have pictures of her feet..... Maybe she just thinks I would be interested her choice of shoes? Anyway...... I think of it as her signature photo, and now I want one. Maybe I should start taking one of my hand? No, to similar..... how about one blurry one? That seems to always happen when I am taking pictures. Ohhhhhh, I know, I could shoot one and miss the top of someones head...... once again, seems to always happen. Maybe I need to think of something more artistic...... If anyone can give me a good idea, I am open for suggestions. Mean while, I think I will post some of my ideas on here in the future, and see what kind of feed back my mother gives me...... she is the only one to ever comment on my blogs.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Out of the frying pan and into the fire!!!

Okay, what is worse than having your husband being laid off with no new job in sight? Having the same wonderful husband having surgery on BOTH feet at the same time. Yes, I said both at the same time. I know it makes sense to him to get them both out of the way now so he can have his 6 week recovery time all at once, but do you know how restricted that makes him? Remember that I also have a 3 year old, new puppy and now an invalid to top things off. One of the biggest challenges is keeping the little one and puppy off of the now waiting target. He is like this big beacon reclining in the living room, and that just seems to be to much for them to resist. I need to make a cage to protect his feet. The rest of him is up for grabs..... just do not touch the feet!!! It doesn't help that this is the same husband that can hardly sit still for more than 5 minutes. He is always doing something, and now he is restricted to bed or his recliner. You can imagine what a joy he is to be around..... He keeps wiggling all over. That wouldn't be so bad, but we bought him a new recliner at Sams since we didn't have one before, and the leather squeaks and groans with every move. Or maybe that is just my nerves squeaking and groaning. Anyway, this should be an interesting few weeks. Maybe I will start crushing the other half of Dales pain killers and put them in his food. He is being the tough guy and only taking half of his pain medicine, I really think I need him to take the other half too! Speaking of medicine...... I should be recording him. He is having little mental laps. Today someone called and every time I would walk bake into the room he was telling this person the same thing I heard him telling them the last time I was in the room. After 4 times of this happening I was starting to think I should warn people who call to talk to him. If nothing else this should be very entertaining..... I will have to keep bloggin the highlights. Some day I might look back on this and laugh:)

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

This little one is not a girly girl!!

When she is all dressed up you might be able to get a very pretty picture of her.... if you are very fast. This little one loves nothing more than to jump in the nearest puddle and squish her hands in the gooest stuff she can find. As long as it does not smell bad...... she hate things that smell bad, but everything else is fair play. It does not matter if she is wearing the new dress mom bought for her birthday or a nice clean white top.... the dirtier the better. If I was really smart I would dress her in brown all the time.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Oh my aching back!!!

Okay, I have heard all the hype about how great yoga is..... and really I think I will grow to love it...... that is if my aching back survives. My lower back is telling me I need to ease myself into this whole work out thing. My heels are right on board with the lower back...... I am sure at some point this will all start to feel really good..... and I hope that day is not to far off. Maybe I should really think the water aerobic thing threw some more. That might be a little less stressful on my poor body.
Back to me doing yoga..... Somebody could make a mint (or what little money I have)if they had a video tape of me trying to do this stuff. I am not limber enough to go into the full poses so I have to stop and hold about halfway there. While doing this I tend to sway and almost tumble.....and produce some untimely morning toots. Do I really wonder why my back is hurting so much? At least I am able to now do yoga without Cassies help now that Dale is home. When I was doing anything on the ground on all fours she would crawl up on my back and ride me like a horse. Like I need the extra weight while I work out....
Wish me luck.... I might be on bed rest if I keep doing my back in. At least I might get a lot of blogging done.

Thursday, March 5, 2009


We are in the 50's!!!!! I am so ready for spring!!! This seems like the longest winter. I don't know if that was because I was trapped with an overly energetic toddler. Or just because winter is Chicago is not fun and you want it to be over as soon as possible. I love it here the other 3 seasons... well maybe not on those super humid summer days, but thankfully those aren't all the time.
I know we are the known as the "Windy City", but that is not because of the weather. It was because of the politicians. I think it was more windy in Kansas..... Hello!!!! Wizard of Oz!!!! All and all spring and fall are my favorites. Most people are getting itchy to plant things. Me I love to enjoy the fruits of their labor while I go around and take pictures of it. I am looking forward to getting out more and taking pictures. I should be able to do it more now that Cassie is getting older. (Mental note: you are delusional!!!!!)
I love tulips!!!! I would love to make a trip to Holland Michigan for the tulip festival.... or maybe go to Holland???? (yes I said delusional)
Well I am off to enjoy our first spring day!!!!
Oh by the way, I am exercising now, not upping my meds. This would account for the good mood!