We have been holding our breath and counting our blessings for months, but my sweet hubby got laid off a week ago. You know what they say....."When everyone else gets laid off it is a recession, but when you get laid off it is a depression."
It has been nice having him around for a the last week, and he is getting lots of things done around here. Check back with me in a week or two. He is disrupting our routine, and question every thing we do. Today he was trying to be nice and make Cassie a sandwich while I was doing something. Cassie came crying to me. She was crying to hard, and I couldn't understand her, so I followed her back upstairs. What was so upsetting that this little girl was having a break down? Daddy cut her sandwich the wrong way. Oh,,,, and the crust was still on it. See if he tries to make her a sandwich again.
We were hoping to use some of this time that Dale is laid off to go visit my family in South Dakota, but my car has decided it is getting tired and doesn't really want to take us that far. The transmission is acting funny and since it is a Lexus it will cost an arm and a leg to fix it. Dale is cursing because I didn't by American. He is good with cars but he just doesn't understand these foreign cars. Wish us luck and maybe we will get things fixed in time to visit my family. Dale thinks this could be a long lay off since so many guys are already out of work. Come on stimulus...... lets get things stimulated. My transmission would be a good place to start. Okay, maybe that is not what the stimulus is for.
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