Valentines Day has always been a very big deal for my family. Most likely because my parents anniversary is today. My sister and I grew up thinking of this as the biggest day after Christmas, Birthdays, and Halloween. It probably beat Halloween except for the dressing up part. Mom only occasionally dressed us up as cupid and made us run around and shoot arrows at dad. He was very good at avoiding the arrows and we were good at shooting the walls. (Okay the last part might have been a slight exaggeration, but only because mom didn't think of it.)
Other kids would anticipate the party at school, but me and my sister knew the really fun stuff would be at home.
I have tried to keep the Valentine excitement going for my family over the years, but I have not done the job my mother did. My kids will always look forward to the treats they will get, and I love doing it, but some how over the years things have tapered off. Maybe it will be renewed with Cassie, but I still have to convince my sweet hubby what a big day this is. I did get flowers...... I picked them out when we bought groceries last night. I am making a special dinner, so that should be nice. I just need to find how to bring out that specialness again. Cassie did start her day off with a dry pull up and chocolate, so that should make for a special day........ Oh!!! and I had a chocolate donut...... there you go..... special day on the way!!!!
Oooooohhhh, how bad would a VD be without chocolate? Or any other day for that matter. Loved your blog and the memories of the VD's past. Your really should have mentioned the celebrating by tossing instant potatoe flakes in place of confetti...into the deep piled living room carpet. Think of the stories about those moments you could blog about! Now, tell me again why I never dressed you up like little cupids?