Really, it is spring that I am ready for...... but summer would be nice too. It has been cold for so long. We were teased by a couple of nice days, and now we are cold again.
I am looking forward to planting flowers and going to the lake. Cassie is going to love the lake...... that is if she will get in. Last year she wouldn't even put her feet in. She was afraid the fish would eat her. We didn't see any fish, but she was sure they were there and going to eat her toes.
I should have been thinking about the lake sooner. I really need to get with it if I am going to wear a swim suit or shorts this summer. Heck, I need to get with it to wear Capris.
I love being by the water..... I love being outside. That might be where Cassie gets it. I really hope I can talk my parents into coming out in May and stay for a long visit. This way it would save them from having to do all there garden work and they would help me with mine.:) Mom said I had to promise to not be so grumpy this time. Hmmmmmmmmm, maybe I should up my meds.
Before long I will probably be blogging how hot it is and how I can't wait for it to cool down. I really need more 70 - 75 degree days. We do not see those enough. We are always hotter or colder. I guess I need to move to San Diego. Because the cost of living is so cheap there....... NOT!!!!
Oh well,,,,, here's looking forward to warmer days, and some special days at the lake.
That picture makes me long for some days at the cottage on the lake front as well. I would love to go there with you and enjoy the water. Don't think you're going to get me in a bathing suit though.