Thursday, December 10, 2009

Christmas Lights

Well I decided to go with the first thing I thought of...... and that was Christmas lights. I really love looking at the lights. Both on the trees and on the houses..... even at the mall. I always think of the Christmas when Cassie was almost 2 and we were driving around looking at all of the pretty lights. She would go OOOOOOOOOOOO, more? She would repeat this over and over again. It was so cute. It was also what I was thinking put in the simplest way.

I don't know where the time is going this Christmas. We have both trees up, but I still need to put ornaments on the big family tree yet. We have some of the outside lights up, but none of the new stuff we bought last year. Dale bought this really cool music thing that syncs with the lights, but he still has not had any time to get it up. He also bought these rope lights to put on the ground so when it snows on them they light up the snow. Well the snow is on the ground, but no rope lights to make it glow. Maybe next year. I bet it is really pretty. I will have to take a picture if we ever do it.

Okay, now one of my favorite Christmas memories. It was the Christmas I finally asked my parents if Santa was real. I need to keep pretending for my little sister Rhonda. I was always the first one up on Christmas. Well actually I would get up in the middle of the night to see what Santa left, since he did not wrap our for a little while, and then go back to bed and wait for the sun to peak up over the horizon. Then I would run through the house wishing everyone a Merry Christmas to wake them up.

Well, on this particular Christmas my sister and I were sleeping in our playroom right next to the family room. I woke up in the middle of the night as usual, but Santa had not been there yet. I hurried up stairs and woke up my mother and told her she forgot to put out the Santa gifts. Then I went back downstairs to wait with my sister, who was suppose to be sleeping, but was waking up. She asked if Santa had been there yet, and I said no, and since my mother was now making noise, I told my sister we had to play a game for Santa to come. I would plug her ears and she needed to hummmmmmm. She did and it worked. Santa came!

I am afraid this Christmas is going to be here before I know it. I have not sent out cards, or made any goodies. I have done most of my shopping (thank goodness for the internet!) I just have to wrap it all. I usually really enjoy that part, but I need to set down and relax and take time to enjoy this holiday season. Maybe sit back and look at it thru my little girls eyes. That just might do it! I will have to blog about all my new outlooks while I am doing that, but in the mean while I really need to feed the little girl.

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