Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Being me.....

Well hello Colette, nice to see you after so long. So are you going to try and work on your blog?

I was thinking about it. I talk to myself all day long so I guess I could just type to myself on here. I wonder if I will ever go back and read any of these? I think I would have to make this blog pretty interesting to not only type it once, but come back and read it some other time. Way to much pressure. I think I will just go with the flow and not think about this so much. I think that is why I had trouble keeping up with my blog before. There was pressure that I put on myself to make it interesting.

Well I thought I might do this.......but the big guy just called and had a fit I was typing on my blog. Well I will take my sick little self and go down stairs and try and figure out more of this book work. I think trying to do book work with a fever should be a no no. But what do I know. This business was never my idea. I wasn't even asked if I thought we should do it....... Just like everything else, I was just told we were and now I have to find my silver lining. I guess that would be that Brendan and Ashley live here now. That does make a nice silver lining.

Oh well, Until next time........ or when ever Dale deems it ok that I blog.


  1. Hmmm, well your blog entry makes me want to just give you a long, comforting hug because I know the depths of your feelings coming out. For a very guarded person used to hiding her emotional baggage, you've really exposed yourself. I hope your husband reads your blog and realizes that was one long scream. I love you so much and my heart just rips apart for you.
