This morning while I was on my way home from dropping Marc off at school, I had a pleasant surprise. I was waiting to turn at a stop light and glanced over at the cars that were turning towards the school.... some of those kids are driving nicer cars than me..... All of the sudden I notice a Black Suburban that usually is dropping off about the same time I drop off Marc (which is now 5 minutes earlier.... crutches DO slow you down) and the teenager in the passenger seat smiles at me! It was such a surprise I was taken back..... You don't usually see teenagers just smile at strangers. As I was smiling the rest of the way home it really made me realize the power of a smile! It took a grumpy old lady like me ( I have only had half a cup of coffee at this point) and made me feel good.
Imagine if you smiled at half the people you see in one day..... You would feel so much better and so many other people would feel better too.
I am going to try this.... I am going to try and be conscious of smiling at everyone I see.... even those drivers that make me insane..... and then see how I feel. I am going to assume that my beautiful smile makes them feel as good as that smile from the teenage made me feel this morning, but I am really interested in how it changes the way I feel.
Well look for updates on this in the future, and feel free to copy me and SMILE!!!
Good for you! You have a terrific smile, so you should use it all the time. Smiles directed at other people can have the same impact as compliments do....and you know what a good compliment can do for your attitude for the rest of the day. Now singing to people can have the opposite effect. I don't recommend that one unless you have a good singing voice. Oh, and you're soooo NOT an old lady! Crazy maybe, but not old.