Wednesday, April 20, 2011


The other day when I was picking up Cassie from school she announced very excitedly that she has a boyfriend!!! I am thinking, NO!!!! don't let this start this soon. I guess it should have been a clue when she actually blushes when she watches Derick on Dancing with the Stars, or that she names any new toy Twist after the boy on Fresh Beat Band because she "Loves him" that we were in for trouble!
I asked what her new boyfriends name was, but she didn't know, but she was sure he was her boyfriend. I asked if he was a boy, that was her friend? She said YES!, and they are going to get married some day. I asked it he was aware that he was her boyfriend, and she said that he said okay when she asked him..... well, then she said she thinks he asked her, and then she said they just are. Now is when I drop the boyfriend topic thinking she will forget...... Next day I pick her up and she comes running out of school announcing she knows her boyfriends name!!!! So Eric is the lucky guy.... She is 5!!!! What are we going to see when she is a teenager?
The other day we took her to a playland and there were not to many kids there. She was following one little boy around asking if he wanted to play with her, and he just kept walking..... she kept following and repeating... would you like to play with me? Finally when he stopped she asked again ... would you like to play with me and be my friend? He replied, You are a girl.... she then replied , but I am a pretty girl.... and guess what? He then started playing with her! Cassie just does not understand why anyone would not want to be her friend..... I think that is great!

Friday, April 15, 2011

Payback is a Bitch.....

Before I start, I just want to say how bad I feel for Marc.... He has had a really ruff couple of weeks. He broke his ankle and tore the ligaments so he had to have surgery and they put a plate and 5 pins in his ankle. Now he gets to hop around on crutches all day. I think that would be a pain even if you were not 6'4" like Marc is. I keep trying to be aware of things that might get in his way..... but lets face it, I am not on crutches (thank god) and sometimes I just over look things that are obstacles for Marc.
One of the funniest things about Marc being on crutches is that Cassie has now figured out she can out run him!!!! As long as she stays away from the front of Marc and out of crutches range..... she is good. Today she was using one of Marc's favorite sayings on him..... "I am going to kick your butt!" and she means really his butt, since it is behind him. She soon discovered the problem was that is butt is REALLY high! I can see she is working this one out, and he might want to watch turning his back on her.
Oh, have I mentioned how much I can not wait for Marc to get his cast off? I know it is not as much as Marc wants it off but really close.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

The Power of a Smile :)

This morning while I was on my way home from dropping Marc off at school, I had a pleasant surprise. I was waiting to turn at a stop light and glanced over at the cars that were turning towards the school.... some of those kids are driving nicer cars than me..... All of the sudden I notice a Black Suburban that usually is dropping off about the same time I drop off Marc (which is now 5 minutes earlier.... crutches DO slow you down) and the teenager in the passenger seat smiles at me! It was such a surprise I was taken back..... You don't usually see teenagers just smile at strangers. As I was smiling the rest of the way home it really made me realize the power of a smile! It took a grumpy old lady like me ( I have only had half a cup of coffee at this point) and made me feel good.
Imagine if you smiled at half the people you see in one day..... You would feel so much better and so many other people would feel better too.
I am going to try this.... I am going to try and be conscious of smiling at everyone I see.... even those drivers that make me insane..... and then see how I feel. I am going to assume that my beautiful smile makes them feel as good as that smile from the teenage made me feel this morning, but I am really interested in how it changes the way I feel.
Well look for updates on this in the future, and feel free to copy me and SMILE!!!

Friday, April 8, 2011

Is it Spring yet?????

Okay, I am REALLY ready for spring. For some reason this winter seems like it has been a very long one. We have been teased with spring a couple of days, but I am ready for it to get here already!!! I know it will probably be like the other years and be gone before I fully realize it is here. I have so much to do this year..... new garden, flower beds, deck for the gazebo and a big garage sale! I need to pick a date for my garage sale and get that done before I have to get my plants in. (Garage Sale is paying for new garden, deck and flowers!) I am also excited to start taking more pictures as it gets nicer outside.... but that is a different Blog....
Speaking of Garage Sale.... I am really cleaning out the STUFF... I will be selling a lot of things from the studio, things we have left from I-Wrapz and as many toys and household things I can convince myself we can live without. I really need a new lenses for my camera and I want to take a trip back to South Dakota, so this will have to be a REALLY successful sale!!! I use to think the new lenses would be the big ticket item, but with the price of gas it will most likely be the trip to South Dakota that is costly.
Well hopefully this will not be my only post for 2011, but my track record has not been the best. We will see how I do at keeping this up..... At least an update about this Garage Sale I have been talking so much about:)