Wow..... It has been a long time since I blogged. My husband being laid off is really throwing me off. I have been going crazy on so many levels that I should have been using this as therapy. My daughter has regressed and is now screaming and rolling on the floor every time I try to get her to go to the potty. I will have the only 10 year old that is still not potty trained. If I ever get it figured out how to finally get her potty trained I should write a book just in case some other poor soul finds them self in my predicament. Who knows.... maybe this is Cassie's secret to securing herself a college education.
In his attempt to help with the potty training, daddy bought his princess a fitting potty seat. It is literally a princess potty seat. It is padded purple seat with pink swirls and a crown and says princess. Cassie really likes it...... as a HAT! She runs around the house with it on top of her head. I think she still has yet to use it to go to the potty. Well good try daddy!!!
Well off of the potty training, we are visiting my parents, sister and her family in South Dakota. I am sure I will have lot to blog about and pictures to post. You might just get spoiled by all the new post I have on here......
Hey, don't forget how you introduced her to the art of accessorizing at a very young age (2 weeks old....really?) So, don't balk now when she wants to look pretty, even if it is a potty hat. She's cute!