We are in the 50's!!!!! I am so ready for spring!!! This seems like the longest winter. I don't know if that was because I was trapped with an overly energetic toddler. Or just because winter is Chicago is not fun and you want it to be over as soon as possible. I love it here the other 3 seasons... well maybe not on those super humid summer days, but thankfully those aren't all the time.
I know we are the known as the "Windy City", but that is not because of the weather. It was because of the politicians. I think it was more windy in Kansas..... Hello!!!! Wizard of Oz!!!! All and all spring and fall are my favorites. Most people are getting itchy to plant things. Me I love to enjoy the fruits of their labor while I go around and take pictures of it. I am looking forward to getting out more and taking pictures. I should be able to do it more now that Cassie is getting older. (Mental note: you are delusional!!!!!)
I love tulips!!!! I would love to make a trip to Holland Michigan for the tulip festival.... or maybe go to Holland???? (yes I said delusional)
Well I am off to enjoy our first spring day!!!!
Oh by the way, I am exercising now, not upping my meds. This would account for the good mood!
You just gave me a roaring case of Spring fever! I can't wait for the tips of my tulip leaves to break through the ground. I must go stand outside and watch for them. Love the shot of you and Marc. How did he grow so much in just a few years. Do you think you can drag him around to look at tulips again?