Wow, and Wow!!! My baby Cassandra Laree is almost 6 and It has been almost a year since I posted. I have missed the opportunity to archive some very funny things this last year. If I did make New Years Resolutions a good one to have made would have been to blog more often. I hate the fact that my mother has quit blogging since I enjoyed her blogs so much, but here I have been doing the same thing. Although mine are never quite as enjoyable as hers, but I guess those in glass houses should not through bricks. ( Does that even work here?)
I did not even send out Christmas cards with my yearly picture and letter combo. Sometimes I feel very isolated out here in Chicago area, but the more I feel detached from my family and friends the less I seem to try and stay in contact with them. I think I see a pattern here.? I think if I went to see a professional about my issues they would have a hay day with me.
Now to do a quick catch up for the last year.....
Ashli, is 28 and still living in the Tahoe area, but is currently surfing up a storm in Saun Juan Nicaragua .... she is on her yearly winter break from working for the California Parks District, and instead of snow boarding this year she is surfing. If it has to do with outdoors and adventure Ashli is there! I miss her like crazy and really wish I could see her more often. I really want to make it out to visit her in California sometime.
Brendan, is 23 and living back in Kansas. I missed him before he moved out here, but now that I was getting use to having him around I really miss him. He is doing well and happy to be back. Kansas City is really a nice area to live in and he has so many friends back there. The big news with him is that he asked his girlfriend Ashley to marry him on Jan. 13!!!! I think they are planning on getting married next Jan. 13.
Marc, is now 18 and a Senior in High School. His is 6'5" and taking special classes at a technical school to be a Fireman. His graduation is June 1st for anyone who would like to come to Chicago for his graduation. He is sarcastic as ever but now has someone new to appreciate his humor. Aunt Willie is staying with us when she is in town and she seems to get his humor. Marc is still playing hockey and improving all the time. Last year at spring break is when Marc broke his ankle playing hockey. He had to have surgery to put in a plate and 5 screws in. Now he with have to have surgery to have the plate and screws removed.
Cassie, is going to be 6 and in Kindergarten. She is taking ballet, tap, and hip hop dance lessons. She LOVES to swim. She just earned the special wrist band at Lifetime that shows she can swim all the way across the pool and back without touching the bottom. So now she can go down the water slide and I don't have to be in the pool with her all the time. She is 49" tall and growing!! She learned to ride a two wheeler this summer and if she is outside she wants to be on her bike. She now wants a swing in her room like Bryan and Jamie have in their family room.
Well that is more than enough for this post.... hopefully I will be better about keeping up on this. I am starting a new weight get rid of forever blog. Wish me luck!